Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who is The Dalai Laurie?

The author of this blog, who drove 1200 miles with only Eckhart Tolle CD's to listen to.



Ur-spo said...

Mr Tolle! I know him, and if you heard him nonstop for 1200 miles you get to be a saint rather than a dalai

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

i love his teachings! way to go!

Pink said...

Wow, I'm with Spo - Sainthood!

Hope its given you some calm and peace and happiness.

Anonymous said...

just checking in on you...I still care, your friend in miles city

Pink said...

How are you doing, my fair Dalai Laurie?


Unknown said...

You deserve a medal and a drink. He has a lot to offer just his delivery is soooooooooo dry.

Anonymous said...

i love your blog title it would be nice if you could visit my blog if you want to go on