Friday, April 29, 2011

Who'd a thunk it?

I've decided I don't want to go into detail about what has gone on during the last 2 years, it's in the past and I'm all about right now. I will give you the extremely brief version, though, as it may give some insight into why I am where I am right now.

Not long after dad died, I reconnected with a friend from high school and needing a change of scenery, moved to Idaho. Yes, I said Idaho. Really, the parts I've seen have been beautiful, but who moves from Montana to Idaho? Apparently my high school friend and I,` but I digress.

I got a job and a half and things on the surface were good, but inside I was grieving and sad and it began to take a toll on me. My half job required me to be on my feet for 4-8 hours at a time on concrete floors and my rheumatoid arthritis, which had been tolerable for the past 20 years, became quite intolerable, which added to my depression. During my "every six month" CA 125 test, the levels were significantly elevated, so I began a short 6-month course of treatment. As you might imagine, it was not the best of times, though it was nice to know that it was caught extremely early and was quite curable.

I chose not to share this information with my brother, son and cousins, but have done so recently. :) My two best local friends helped me through it and I was able to continue working both of my jobs. As I said, it was completely curable, but it was scary and hard and miserable and I am so glad it is over! It was difficult enough going through knowing the end result would be good, I can't imagine not having any idea what the end result was going to be.

Anyway, the big C was gone, but I still had the RA to deal with. Not liking the remedies offered by my rheumatologist, I turned to a more natural approach. My body was toxic from a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, eating the wrong foods, drinking the wrong things, working in a very chemical environment (scrubber operator at a platinum smelter), being around second hand smoke, eating foods that were laden with chemicals, meat that had hormones and steroids added. I had been through 6 months of chemo and could feel it in every part of my body from my brain to my swollen, gnarled up little toe. I was a ticking time bomb and I knew it.

By the grace of the universe, I was introduced to a woman whose life had been changed by a health and wellness program and she was kind enough to share her experience with me. After I heard her story, I started her program. I replaced two meals with pure healthy nutrition. Four days a month, I did a cellular cleanse to detoxify my body, and it was (and is) SO easy! The program provides the best nutrition on the planet and a way to cleanse the toxins out of the body, It worked for me, better than I could ever have wished for.

Good nutrition makes for a healthier body, go figure.


Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Oh, Laurie, as if losing your Dad wasn't enough. You have really been through a hard time. I am thankful that your health has turned around. Missed you.

Anvilcloud said...

Life gets difficult at times, but you seem to have sorted it pretty well. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea.

I'm glad you're on a better path now. Best wishes for a healthy and happy future!

Ur-spo said...

Your sensible approach is known by many and practiced by few. yes, Virginia, it is that simple and that efficacious! Good for you !

Kristen said... are so strong....good for you for taking chargeo of your life and well being....


dmmgmfm said...

Thanks, everyone, I really am doing very well!!

Moos said...

Laurie, I'm so happy to hear that you are doing well. Woo hoo!

My RA is well under control with a caring team of medical professionals. Keep in mind that I spent years as a vegetarian, and more as a vegan who later returned to her carnivorous roots.

I am now getting ready for a rotator cuff surgery. Who would think that I would be looking forward to a surgery?

Not me, that's for sure. But being unable to swim, play the guitar or hold the throttle in a Cessna is not a good place to be. Years of working/abusing this body on the farm are to thank for a lot of this damage. I wouldn't have traded those years for anything, though!

We all need to do the best that we can do at whatever we are doing. We need to understand that things happen for a reason, even when we are not privy to the reason.

Anshul jain said...

awesome work. I loved it!!!