Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am SO excited!  I haven't seen my son in over two months and I am leaving tomorrow morning to spend almost a week with him!  I can't wait!  Two of my kid cousins, Sadie and Eric, are going along and we intend to have the time of our lives this weekend at Pridefest Denver!  Wolf, Sadie and I went several years ago and had an absolute blast, and we can't wait to share the fun with Eric!

As excited as I am, I can't say the same for Queen Emily.

You are going to Denver without me?  You WILL be punished.


Unknown said...

Have fun Laurie!

Anvilcloud said...

Have a good trip.

Ur-spo said...

Poor QE; I hope she gets an extra pat or two.

dmmgmfm said...

Thanks, Ophelia, I am having an absolute BLAST! Thanks, AC! Ur-spo, my brother is doting on her in my absence. I will most certainly be making it up to her when I return tomorrow.

vintage wedding dresses said...

Hello, cat! You are so cute!

Marymoss said...

Queen Elisabeth is her name?
She has an Italian brother!!!
Look my wonderful cat!!