Thursday, December 27, 2007

Naughty or nice?

At the request of someone near and very, very dear to me, I am updating my blog. In honor of this person, the topic today is love.

There are many different kinds of love. All of them are portrayed here, photographically, in random order because I didn’t have the time to sort through.

There’s love of nature, love of a pet, or pets, there’s familial love, there's friend love and there’s the other kind of love; that of a man for a woman, or a man for a man or woman for a woman for that matter. It’s the kind of love that takes your breath away and makes you want to be a better person.

It’s the kind of love that comes only once in a lifetime, it makes you melt and when you are with that person, you are complete and whole for the first time in your life.

It makes you weak and strong at the same time and makes you wonder how you could be so lucky as to have them in your life.

Taken in Paradise Valley, MT.

Emmy, one of the cats that owns me.

Bobbi, my co-worker and dear friend.

My brother and his dog, may she rest in peace.

They "eye of the needle" one of my favorite oddities of nature.

Sadie Rose, after her knee surgery

My brother, Mike, playing Santa at the nursing home.

"I love you Santa"

My son and kid-cousin Eric ready for the concert.

Shasta, the Disasta, in her beloved pickup truck.

Our friend Danny at his birthday party at the nursing home.

The cake, lovingly made by a friend of mine.

Christmas, 2007, spent with the cousins. A good time was had by all!

Dale, gone from this plane of existence, but never ever forgotten.

The brat pack cats, trying to help me pack for yet another road trip.

Cousin Kay, who was "thrilled" to receive numerous pairs of thong panties for Christmas, because a girl needs sexy underwear...dammit!


Apparently someone thinks I've been naughty...can't imagine who!

Merry Christmas all and I hope you have a happy New Year!


Girlplustwo said...

merry christmas back at you, you glowing bundle of joy.

Ur-spo said...

Love is always an eternal present - there is not 'past' with love
You are full of love, bless you for that!

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

I could see the love in each and every picture. I think that a loving soul like yourself both creates love and attracts it.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

BC (before cynicism) I spoke much of Love, professionally and personally. It was CS Lewis who polularized four kinds: storges, filia. eros and Agape.
Islam speaks of four kinds also but that would get entirely too academic in this forum.

I love you photos and I am glad you seem to have lots of love in you life. MY latest is my new dog. Well worth risking to love!

thailandchani said...

Wow... what a great bunch of pictures! Is that your livingroom?

Unknown said...

There is no way to love. Love is the way.
Thank your for such a wonderful post. Happy New Year to you and may the spirit of love fill you.

Anonymous said...

its a good thing you take flattering pictures!! Ya snot!!!That was almost a year ago, i dont know that i still look that good!
I am so very happy for you, i can't think of anyone who deserves so much love than you, and all of us around you! you radiate amazing karma and it is contagious!! Love ya Lots Goober Girl!

Anonymous said...

its a good thing you take flattering pictures!! Ya snot!!!That was almost a year ago, i dont know that i still look that good!
I am so very happy for you, i can't think of anyone who deserves so much love than you, and all of us around you! you radiate amazing karma and it is contagious!! Love ya Lots Goober Girl!

Anonymous said...

sorry i pushed the button twice

NatureWoman said...

Love - what a great topic Laurie. I love your recap photos. And I sooo want to know why someone thinks you've been naughty, or maybe I don't want to know!

Mary said...


Love in each photo. I know. Wonderful post, written beautifully, showing the LOVE.


(love the thong shot)

Unknown said...

This is truly a wonderful post, Laurie! I have enjoyed the photos and the theme immensely. Alex says “Hey” to Emmy.

Q said...

Dear Laurie,
It makes the world go 'round!
So glad you have so many to love and who love you right back.
Enjoy your New Year's Eve!

threecollie said...

Sweet....very lovely post, thanks

Pam said...

What an absolutely beautiful post. Your energy streams out from pictures and words and is a palpable thing.