Saturday, November 12, 2011

Going Home!

I am going home for Thanksgiving! I am so excited! I am going to cook everything my mom used to make and hopefully no one will go to the ER. Wish me luck, better yet, wish my brother and our guests luck! I promise to post pictures and yes, daddy in heaven, I am buying the pies so the fire department can have the holiday off!

Then, after I get back from Montana, I will have to work 4 count them FOUR days and then I will be OFF TO MEXICO! I can almost taste the margaritas!

Love you all, hug your family close and have a wonderful night!


Ur-spo said...

how jolly! Do keep us breast of the news!

wonderful said...

Wish you luck, wish everyone luck

pink said...

how you doing in Mexico my gorgeous friend?


Anonymous said...

nice ^^

Ur-spo said...

gee, aren't you home YET?

formal wedding dresses said...

Nice drink, thank you! I prefer cocktail drinks very much, it is amazing!

Barry said...

Nice pussy cats, prrrh prrrh prrh !