Mike does all the cooking and cleaning. He makes sure dad has taken his pills (which he crushes and puts into applesauce), prepares his prunes daily and makes sure he eats them. He fixes food ahead of time and always has a couple of plates ready for dad should he get hungry while Mike is sleeping or working. He cleans dad's false teeth and glues them in for him, washes his glasses and puts compresses on his eyes every day. The list goes on and on.

Mike also makes sure John has all of the amenities he needs. This year we went together and bought him a new air conditioner and a recliner. Last year we bought him a dvd player and television set. This Christmas we refurbished his bed and bedding.

Our neighbor Lois is kind and sweet. She is a beloved member of the family. Lois is 82 years young and quite spry, however, her memory isn't what it used to be and she is fairly unsteady on her feet. Mike hauls her garbage for her, brings in loads of wood, shovels her walks and mows her lawn. He serves her coffee and cookies everytime she comes over and always makes sure drinks her milk at the meals she shares with us. He usually walks her home after she comes to visit, to make certain she doesn't fall.

Mike has helped my son with college tuition costs, with car repairs and most recently by helping to finance the new SUV. He fully supports my son in everything he does and bursts with pride when he hears of his accomplishments.

The giving doesn't stop there. Mike donates time and money to many other charitable causes. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina he donated money to help the pets that were stranded and in need of assistance. He has generously supported the Beartooth Nature Center, where Helen the Mountain Lion (pictured above) resides, for decades, donating time and money to this important local cause. Whenever a collection is being taken up for something worthy, Mike gets out the checkbook.
In short, my brother Mike is an incredible human being, and today, February 1, 2007, he is an incredible 53 year old human being.