Saturday, October 13, 2007

And they call her the streak....

In the grand scheme of things, I'm sure there's some humor in the story I am about to tell. I personally didn't find it...but my son certainly did when I shared it with him this afternoon. As a matter of fact, he laughed so hard he dropped his cell phone.

I worked from home today. There are a lot of perks to doing that. You can drink coffee with your keyboard on your lap, wearing your favorite pair of sweats. You can listen to whatever station you want on XM radio and play fetch with the cats for hours.

You don't have to shower, or wear shoes, or even brush your teeth if you aren't so inclined. It's really the best of the best, if you know what I mean.

About 3 pm I took a break and worked out, and afterward, even though I was waiting for an important call, I decided I needed to i slipped in for a quick one.

Well wouldn't you know it, I had left my cell phone in by the computer and just as I had the shampoo in my hair and shaving cream on my leg, i hear "Girls just Wanna have Fun" by Cindi Lauper, which is my cell phone ringer, thanks to my son the techno boy.

Knowing full well that this was probably the important phone call I had been waiting all day for for...I flew out of the shower, bypassing the rack of towels and ran nekkid into the living room to grab the phone.

I flipped it open only to realize that it wasn't my phone ringer, it was Cindy Lauper playing on XM radio.

Just as I turned around to go back to finish my shower I looked out the window. The drapes were slightly open thanks to my cats who push them aside to enjoy the benefits of the sun and there was our next door neighbor pulling weeds in the rose garden right outside the window...

Thinking that perhaps he had not noticed me I turned to flee back to the safety of the bathroom...and he waved.

If he suddenly decides to bat for the other team, I will certainly understand

So how was YOUR day?


thailandchani said...

I can't help but find it funny. Sorry. :)

And that cell phone ringer? That must be a hoot out in public.

People look at me like I have two heads when mine goes off. "The Four Seasons"... Vivaldi.

I'm creating earworms, too.




Pam said...

Oh Laurie, I'm so sorry, but I'm laughing too! We've all been there, and I can laugh because it's you, this time, and not me. My bathroom door is almost directly across the room from my entranceway(I live in a very old, odd sort of house) and because I don't get much company in the mornings, I often neglect to close it. Do you see where I'm going with this? So I sympathize, and then I get to laugh.

Unknown said...

Yep! Hilarious story. Damned cats and their rearranging things. Now, what did Alex do with my reading glasses?

Pink said...


Thanks honey - I needed that.

Well, I would say the fact that he waved wasn't exactly a sign of terror or trauma, so you can't look THAT bad in the buff.

NatureWoman said...

O. M. G. Laurie! I wouldn't find it funny if it were me that was happening to either! Which reminds me, I need to get off the computer now and hang my new kitchen curtains so nobody sees me walking around in the buff, either.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

With all that wide open Montana spaces, you have to live cheek by jowl, or is that share your cheeks and jowls, with your neighbour.;)

A cute story. Take comfort in that you made a man's day!

Ur-spo said...

that didn't sound either awful or funny; it sounds like something we all have had.
so it sounds like 'life'
still, be careful!

Unknown said...

That is a cute and funny story. You can always count on the cats.

Anvilcloud said...

It's all good because it's all blog fodder.

Pendullum said...


The song 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' will NEVER be the same for me...

Anonymous said...

Come on, how much more exciting can life get? For you both!!

From what I learned recently about men is that no matter what the boobs look like, once they see them they are,...what's it...starry eyed.

Life's short, don't sweat it!

Menchie said...

Thanks for making me chuckle on an otherwise unremarkable Monday morning! :D

Cathy said...

I needed this, Laurie :0D I've spent the last few days holed up with my sick hubby and realized I'd really let my grooming slip. In trying not to get his cold I've been shoving a lot of Zicam up my nose. Use your imagination. The postman's eyes were really wide when I answered the door. That congealed gel can sure look nasty. I'll try 'nekked' next. That should really make his day.

Mary said...

You need to learn to duck and cover! LOL! You are making me howl!

When our house was brand new in Maryland, we did not have blinds or curtains for a week. My nekkid body greeted a team of roofers on the house across the street, not once, but twice. I hit the floor and crawled to the bathroom both times, cursing to high heaven.

YOU are a hoot.

Kristen said...

Haven't had time to catch up and read....but I'm baaaaaaaaaaack

Anonymous said...

You're neighbor must be one laid-back dude:

"Oh look, my neighbor is running around naked. Heidi-ho, Good Neighbor!"

threecollie said...

Yep, Wolf is right...darned funny!

Unknown said...

I can't believe he waved! Where are his manners? The only polite thing to do would have beenn to turn away quickly and act as though he had not see you.

LittlePea said...

Heehee! Rose gardening porn queen! You probably made his day...

KGMom said...

Oh, don't regret the story--it is stories like this that keep we blog readers on the edges of our . . .seats? Well, on edge at any rate.
No, it is a really funny story, and I am glad you shared. The only thing I want to know is--did you wave back?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry too - but I had to laugh at this story. You are a good sport to share. So, how are things with your neighbor now?

steve'swhirlyworld said...

Hysterical! Good thing you worked out first - he was able to notice the tight cheecks running back to the shower :)

Gina said...

Thanks for the laugh!

Squirl said...

I was in a gathering of (thankfully) women the other night. I realized that I'd been walking around and then sitting for probably 15-20 minutes with my fly unzipped. I saw it, reached down, zipped, and pretended like nothing happened. Hm, maybe I should blog that one.

Anonymous said...

TGRIji Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

xub80f Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

xGZqpS actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Good job!